Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Plan to CONQUER BULLYING! (not detention, suspension, or harsh realities...lets make them think, reflect, and understand!)

I would like to first start by thanking you for the opportunity to be involved in the discussion about youth violence the other evening. This was a topic that i am greatly interested in, and I would love to see today’s youth grow into mature, caring, and responsible adults. I truly believe in the work that you do, and want to thank you for bringing these issues into the spotlight. I believe these, along with many more issues, need more recognition in order for us to grow into a positive, and successful nation.

I received the questionnaire that you had sent me, and i feel that you framed these concerns appropriatly. There was just one concern that i feel we may have passed by, and that was making things right with the victims of violence and bullying. If the perpetrators were more aware of the feelings/thoughts of the victims, maybe it would make them think twice before choosing to hurt these individuals. I understand that a lot of victims (at school age) do not feel secure in expressing their thoughts/opinions, I’m sure that older victims would be willing to talk/give speeches to students on how bullying affected their lives.

I believe that the approaches were clearly articulated, except for accountability, and rehabilitation seem to go hand in hand. There is a lot of overlapping there, as i feel that accountability would not do a violent youth much good, unless it was followed up by rehabilitation/treatment. Other than these few minor issues, I feel that your discussion was carried out very thoroughly, clearly, and was easy to understand.

I had a few ideas that I did not get the chance to discuss with you the other evening. Most of these ideas are more for prevention, but I believe that they could help with keeping youth out of trouble, and encourage them to be productive, respectful, and successful individuals.

Here are a few of my ideas:

* Sporting equipment donations: so that youth who cannot afford equipment will be encouraged to play. Also dues paid for them to join a sporting league/team, if they make the honor roll all year long. This will encourage them to do well in school, and also help them with social and teamwork skills. (Many children want to play sports but cannot afford to).

* Affordable summer camp programs. (As we know, during the summer parents are working and youth are left home for long periods of time each day without positive reinforcement).

* More field trips in, and out of school. (This will keep their imaginations growing, inspire them, and show them what the world has to offer, such as museums, science centers, zoos, etc).

* Encourage mentoring. (Many youth lack a positive role model in their lives, or have parents that are too busy so they lack one on one attention, or don’t feel comfortable talking with their parents about certain subjects due to fear of how they will react).

* Adopt a grandparent programs. (This would be great for the adult and the youth. Hopefully through conversing, the adults could pass on and encourage some of the old fashioned values that today’s youth seem to lack).

* Internships for high school students. (Whether paid, or unpaid, the youth will gain insight to certain career aspects, along with obtaining valuable job skills).

* More school speakers. (Motivational, educational, public figures, victims, and offenders. I think that youth appreciate the “realness” of a person who is/has been there, and will appreciate hearing these things strait from the source).

* Social skills should be monitored, recorded, and reviewed during the youth’s high school years. When a youth applies for a job, or college, administrators can write a recommendation letter. (This will encourage youth that their actions could affect their future).

* School newspapers should publish a category monthly about bullying/violence in the school newspaper. Victims could have their say, and those who wish to apologize would be able to. (This should only be done anonymously, and reviewed carefully by the editor so that not to disclose anyone (victim or perpetrators) identity, and not give out any clues to the exact encounter. This could help others understand how words can hurt, and hopefully encourage positive youth to take others under their wing while looking past their differences).

* When youth get into trouble with the school or courts, they should be required to write a lengthy report with the following information: Prior circumstances, thoughts in their head before the event, the event itself, how it made them feel, how they imagine it made the victim feel, how it may affect the victims future, affects on both families, possible consequences, what they think thier consequences should be, regrets, and how they could have better handled themselves. (I think that too many youth display negative behaviors, without giving it much thought. This would force them to recount the events, think a little deeper, and also give us an idea of the type of person/treatment they may need).

* We need to do something about the “labeling” phenomenon. I think that too many youth get into a rut, and believe they are too deep to get out, so they continue on their destructive paths. We need to show them that it doesn’t have to be permanent. We need to give them examples of people who turned their lives around, and maybe a chance to speak with them. Give them hope, and show them that with persistence, and determination, they can turn their lives around.


I know that we have the YMCA, but as you hear the other night, we need extracurricular activities that do not revolve around sports. I would love to be of any kind of assistance that I could in making this happen. I will DO EVERYTHING that I can to find volunteers for any and all types of activities, coming up with rules and guidelines, and recruiting anyone who could be of assistance in a program like this. The hardest part would be finding a location, so if you have any ideas where I can start, I would greatly appreciate it!

I want to be a part of anything that could bring our communities & resources together to help establish a community (then nation) of understanding, respect, encouragement, hope, and love. Mrs. Ambrose, I ask of you, if you know of any workshops, seminars, meetings, or any other way that I could become actively involved please let me know. I would be willing to travel at my own expense, and also volunteer any work or service hours. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and if you have any questions, feel free to call. Hope to hear from you soon, and it was a pleasure to be able to discuss these issues with you. Thanks, and God bless!

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